MedEl is an Austrian company producing a range of implants including cochlear implants, middle ear implants, and bone conducting devices.
The current cochlear implant range includes the Concerto (shown below) and Sonata implants. The concerto is slightly thinner, and comes with and without fixing pins depending on surgical preference for fixation.
The electrode comes in various lengths, allowing for differing insertion depths, and varying profiles, allowing for attempts at hearing preservation surgery.
The EAS hybrid electrode is 24mm in length, and is designed for 20mm insertion depth, although one concern is that it may not be long enough if the hearing does drop after surgery or later due to underlying disease. The 31mm full electrode provides “total cochlear coverage” according to MedEl, but deep insertions are usually associated with greater trauma and less hearing preservation. The Flex-28 electrode with soft tip may provide the optimum balance between hearing preservation and sufficient depth of insertion.
The Opus 2 processor provides multiple features which can be controlled from a remote, and provides longer battery life. It comes in a variety of colours.